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Intereses de Investigación

Yacimientos Naturalmente Fracturados

  1. Simulación Numérica

  2. Interpretación de Pruebas de Presión

  3. Análisis de Datos de Producción

Yacimientos No Convencionales (Shales)

  1. Evaluación Petrofísica

  2. Simulación Numérica

  3. Análisis PVT en Nanoporos

  4. Caracterización de Yacimientos de Gas Seco y Gas y Condensado

Áreas de Investigación: Publicaciones


Áreas de Investigación: Publicaciones

Lopez Jimenez, B. A. y Aguilera, R. 2019. Physics-Based Fluid Flow Modeling of Liquids-Rich Shale Reservoirs Using a 3D Three-Phase Multiporosity Numerical-Simulation Model. SPE Res Eval & Eng 22 (4): 1501-1526. SPE-191459-PA.

Fragoso, A., Lopez Jimenez, B. A., Aguilera, R. et al. 2019. Matching of Pilot Huff-and-Puff Gas Injection Project in the Eagle Ford Shale Using a 3D 3-Phase Multiporosity Numerical Simulation Model. SPE-195822-MS.

Piedrahita, J., Lopez Jimenez, B. A., y Aguilera, R. 2019. Generalized Methodology for Estimating Stress-Dependent Properties in a Tight Gas Reservoir and Extension to Drill-Cuttings Data. SPE Res Eval & Eng 22 (1): 173-189. SPE-189972-PA.

Lopez Jimenez, B. A., Hernandez, G., Czernia, B. et al. 2018. Effect of Thermodynamic and Rock Properties on the Performance of Liquids-Rich Nano-Porous Shale Reservoirs. SPE-191813-MS.

Lopez Jimenez, B. A. y Aguilera, R. 2018. Petrophysical Quantification of Multiple Porosities in Shale-Petroleum Reservoirs With the Use of Modified Pickett Plots. SPE Res Eval & Eng 21 (1): 187-201. SPE-171638-PA.

Lopez Jimenez, B. A., Piedrahita, J., y Aguilera, R. 2017. Estimates of Stress-Dependent Properties in Tight Reservoirs: Their Use with Core and Drill-Cuttings Data. SPE Res Eval & Eng 20 (3): 572-588. SPE-177189-PA.

Lopez, B. y Aguilera, R. 2017. Application of Monte Carlo Simulation for Estimation of Vertical and Horizontal Biot’s Constants Through Calibration of the Minimum Horizontal Stress in the Tight Gas Monteith Formation. SPE-185070-MS.

Lopez Jimenez, B. A. y Aguilera, R. 2016. Flow Units in Shale Condensate Reservoirs. SPE Res Eval & Eng 19 (3): 450-465. SPE-178619-PA.

Lopez, B. y Aguilera, R. 2015. Sorption-Dependent Permeability of Shales. SPE-175992-MS.

Lopez, B. y Aguilera, R. 2015. Physics-Based Approach for Shale Gas Numerical Simulation: Quintuple Porosity and Gas Diffusion from Solid Kerogen. SPE-175115-MS.

Fekete, P., Lopez, B., Dosunmu, A. et al. 2015. The Effect of Wellbore Stability in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs. SPE-178267-MS.

Lopez Jimenez, B., Guang, Y., Aguilera, R. et al. 2015. Calibration of Well Logs With Mini-Frac Data for Estimating the Minimum Horizontal Stress in the Tight Gas Monteith Formation of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: A Case Study. SPE Prod & Oper 30 (2): 110-120. SPE-168594-PA.

Lopez, B. y Aguilera, R. 2013. Evaluation of Quintuple Porosity in Shale Petroleum Reservoirs. SPE-165681-MS

Lopez, B., Gonzalez, L., Garcia-Hernandez, F. et al. 2012. Effect of Natural Fracture Properties on Production Variability of Individual Wells in Multiphase Oil Reservoirs. SPE-153741-MS.

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Edif "S" Bernardo Quintana, Cub. S3-14
Depto. Ing. Petrolera
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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